My amazing classroom reading display

This gorgeous reading display is perhaps one of the best things I’ve added to my classroom in ages. And not just because I get to play Carly Ray Jepson songs in class… I cannot claim the idea is mine. But I do adore how it turned out! Here’s how I went about it and how you can swipe the download!
This week I updated the display in one pokey corner of my classroom. It’s one of those things that I had been meaning to do for a-g-e-s. But because the space was generally well hidden by the 5 tonnes of stuff I accumulated last year, it hadn’t been a high priority. Karma happens, though right? We had visitors in school and my classroom needed to be pristine. Or prestige, as my students would say!
This cute rhyme is a play on Carly Ray Jepson’s song “Call Me Maybe”. All my students ‘got it‘ as soon as they saw the wall. They groaned and shook their heads, enjoying a moment of teenage indignation. I then asked them for their best book suggestions. So it’s their book recommendations, plus a few from my colleagues, that I placed around the rhyme! Read on to see how I made it and to swipe my files!
Before I get into the practical details – I wanted to give a shout out to the amazing Jessica Lawler from Joy in the Journey. Check out the ‘Read me!’ and ‘Pick me!’ labels in my books! Don’t you just l-u-r-v-e them!! They are also a sweet treat of free download, Jessica has them on her TpT store and you can download them for free >>here<<.
Ok, ok. I know what you want. Here is how you can get stuck into this in your classroom. It really is as simple as 1 – 2 – 3.
- Grab the swipe file with words typed out and ready to go. It is a PowerPoint file so make sure you can open it on your computer.
- Change the colors to suit your classroom decor.
- Print and laminate (you can totally see I didn’t have time to do this!)
- Cut out and pin up.
- Ask for book recommendations, grab the covers and print.
- Cut and pin these up too!
- Stand back and enjoy!
So all you need to do now is get the SWIPE file!
Transform your reading corner!

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